This Year Taught Me Something About Roots and Mortality
40 x 17 x 55 cm
Discarded steel tube, nature latex, clay, metallic pigment, ceramic glaze and dried sea lavender
Goodbye 2023, hello 2024
Happy New Year

2023 has by far been the wildest year of my life yet and I can’t really fathom the fact that it is coming to an end. In the span of this year I have experienced 50 shades of existential anxiety, uncomparable happiness, deafening stress and endless, endless love.
This year marked my 25th birthday and for the first time ever I felt like an actual adult. I guess standing face to face with the mortality of those you love does that to a person. As I recently looked back on everything that happened this year, my fingers started itching for this sculpture and I blindly had to make it. It didn’t turn out big or carefully executed, but was instead born out of an urgency to represent a melancholy that I have carried around since last December.
I keep searching for beauty and comfort in the fact that everything, even my roots, my family, my identity, will grow and change until we all one day will disappear, but it is not always easy. Most of the time it is just scary to be honest. For now, this search took the shape of this semi-ephemeral sculpture which I will look forward to watching rust and change when the latex decomposes as the year passes by
This year marked my 25th birthday and for the first time ever I felt like an actual adult. I guess standing face to face with the mortality of those you love does that to a person. As I recently looked back on everything that happened this year, my fingers started itching for this sculpture and I blindly had to make it. It didn’t turn out big or carefully executed, but was instead born out of an urgency to represent a melancholy that I have carried around since last December.
I keep searching for beauty and comfort in the fact that everything, even my roots, my family, my identity, will grow and change until we all one day will disappear, but it is not always easy. Most of the time it is just scary to be honest. For now, this search took the shape of this semi-ephemeral sculpture which I will look forward to watching rust and change when the latex decomposes as the year passes by